My Travel blog
Dorfen, Germany Current Location About Contact
French Pass
New Zealand
In the morning we decided to stay another day at the campsite, so we had plenty of time to explore the sourrounding area.

Before we left we tried to chase a Weka bird,(the same kind that yesterday nearly killed the young pinguin) because it stole all our toast and pita bread out of our car. This time we failed to catch it but later one of the birds was going to be topped. In the afternoon we walked to the top of one of the hills and found a nice little bay on the other side of the mountain ridge. While we were walking down to the bay we had the opportunity to take some nice freibiesel pictures :D

Before we got into the quite cold water we tried Dusi and Jojos exercises, which they knew from their combat sports training. We spent the rest of the day at the small beach, that was completely separated from the civilisation without any other people around us.

When we came back we met Kilian, who stayed at the campsite and tried to catch some more fish.

Later we had some dinner and tried to get some good photos of the night sky which did not work that well tonight.